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Midori Farm Francs
What are Midori Farm Francs?
Midori market vouchers that earn you money! You can spend them like cash with Midori Farm at our Saturday Farmers Market Booth and our Quilcene Farm Stand. Francs may be used for any of our products...Organic vegetables, garden seedlings, eggs and fermented vegetables. Support local Agriculture!
Vouchers are sold in $100 increments. For every $100 purchased we will give you a $10 bonus Franc (ie. $500 gets you $550 of francs). That’s a 10% savings! Midori Francs make great gifts! No expiration date.
You can purchase Farm Francs at the farmers market, by calling, emailing or clicking on the link to the right (soon).
We accept credit card, cash, check or Venmo payments
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